- Strandline Resources (ASX:STA) provides updates on operations and ongoing improvement initiatives at its Coburn mineral sands project in WA
- The recent modifications to the WCP led to enhanced product quality
- The MSP is now producing standard-grade zircon, with shipments scheduled in October
- The company’s focus remains on optimising operations while increasing volumes and productivity
- STA shares last traded at 9.3 cents
Strandline Resources (ASX:STA) has provided updates on operations and ongoing improvement initiatives at its Coburn mineral sands project in Western Australia.
The company’s primary focus is on maximising revenue from the products being made while optimising the mineral separation plant (MSP) to produce premium-grade zircon and rutile.
An important milestone in this process is the upcoming shipment of 15,000 tonnes of zircon in concentrate (ZIC) in October, followed by a minimum shipment of 5000 tonnes of chloride Ilmenite in the same month.
The MSP is currently engaged in processing heavy mineral concentrate (HMC), producing chloride ilmenite, standard-grade zircon, and ZIC. This diversification in product output enhances the project’s economic viability.
To address improvement initiatives outlined in previous reports, the company has made significant modifications to the wet concentrator plant (WCP), particularly in the upstream mineral cleaning circuit of the HMC.
The next quarter will prioritise achieving consistent operation of two DMUs, crucial for achieving production performance.
“The team is making significant progress in delivering our improvement initiatives, which are improving both productivity and product quality,” STA Managing Director Jozsef Patarica said.
“Our focus remains on maximising revenue from the products being produced while continuing to optimise the MSP to produce premium-grade zircon and rutile.”
Strandline recently completed a preliminary in-fill drilling program, providing valuable data for future mine planning.
Further details from this program will be released as full assays are received.